Posts Blocks

This page contains all the blocks that are related to the posts.

PokaTheme Posts List

This block is used to display a Post List. You can modify the number of posts that appear, the number of layout’s columns, select a specific category to display posts, use posts’ excerpt instead of posts’ truncated content, load posts with ajax functionality. Also you have the ability to show or hide the “read more” button, posts’ featured image, posts’ meta information, posts’ author. Last but not least you can set the descriptions’ length, write your own text for the “Read more” button and display posts horizontally.

You can place PokaTheme Post List in any page/post/widget you want.

Betting News, Slots News

What Time Of Day Do Slots Hit

February 3, 2022

Donec sodales metus mattis, laoreet nisl ut, ornare ligula. Duis rutrum, diam eu euismod interdum, lorem nulla iaculis turpis, eu dignissim mauris mi vitae tellus.…

Betting News, Slots News

How To Play Progressive Slots

February 3, 2022

Vestibulum dui ligula, hendrerit eu diam at, tempor mattis velit. Sed efficitur venenatis orci, sed consectetur sapien pretium sed. Mauris et risus porta, vulputate mauris…


This block is used to display Featured Videos. You can select a specific category from which posts will appear or select specific posts to display.

You can place PokaTheme Featured Videos in any page/post/widget you want.

PokaTheme FAQ

This block is used to display FAQs which have been created by the corresponding custom post type. You can select the FAQ you want to display and set the title element type.

You can place PokaTheme FAQ in any page/post/widget you want.

  • What is Revenue Share?

    Quisque venenatis malesuada purus, nec pharetra ligula. Nulla hendrerit vehicula luctus. Curabitur viverra sapien dui, nec scelerisque risus tristique sit amet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut a magna eu ex vestibulum sollicitudin ac vitae justo.

  • How do i get people to join affiliate sites?

    Maecenas enim tortor, volutpat id ipsum non, feugiat aliquam ipsum. Phasellus eget imperdiet enim. Phasellus tristique eleifend sapien, mollis cursus neque ultrices sed. Morbi semper id nisi in suscipit. Nullam ornare ac ipsum at convallis. Nam quis dolor nec ligula aliquet maximus. Etiam ullamcorper tortor at orci pulvinar, eget volutpat sapien consectetur.

  • Can I lose anything?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in ultricies ligula, id fringilla dui. Aliquam convallis lorem volutpat, dapibus enim et, auctor nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris at mi vitae eros ultrices lobortis imperdiet ac neque. Nullam at purus metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum id mi nunc. Vestibulum ut nisi aliquam, pretium tellus vel, molestie libero. Nunc eu scelerisque quam, ut fringilla eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. mattis, ante vitae tempus tempus, tortor nisi facilisis nunc, et laoreet mauris est a elit. Morbi tincidunt blandit vestibulum. Ut vel rutrum risus, ac rutrum diam.

  • What do I need for receiving my earnings?

    Phasellus sit amet eros vel odio auctor rutrum. Phasellus sodales sem nec quam ornare, placerat bibendum ipsum aliquam. Praesent interdum mauris eu enim ultricies, at tincidunt nibh placerat. Nam consequat metus nec gravida malesuada. Curabitur porta mi non facilisis sagittis. Duis accumsan magna eros, et tincidunt libero rhoncus luctus. Mauris lacinia, ipsum et aliquet sollicitudin, libero sapien imperdiet nulla, ac pharetra.

  • What payment methods can players choose from?

    Cras sed interdum dui, eu tempus dolor. Etiam sed nibh tincidunt, auctor lorem lacinia, auctor augue. Nam ut nunc in turpis pulvinar imperdiet. Nunc facilisis hendrerit elementum. Curabitur vulputate ex varius tellus imperdiet feugiat. Phasellus ac odio vel purus sodales scelerisque.

  • How long do cookies from tracking links last?

    Ut blandit est turpis, in pellentesque lectus tempor a. Sed hendrerit molestie efficitur. Maecenas vel tortor ipsum. Sed sit amet mi a nisi suscipit auctor in a elit. Vestibulum tempus molestie ex, at aliquam orci varius in. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras posuere sem mattis vestibulum laoreet. Pellentesque vel urna ac quam tempor placerat varius at lorem. Nam vel maximus nisi, vel ornare nulla.

PokaTheme Button

This block is used to display a button. You can modify its appearance and its text, to choose if you want an icon to appear, you can also set the url of the link that will contain and where to open the linked document.

You can place PokaTheme Button in any page/post/widget you want.

Show all posts

PokaTheme Box Text

This block is used to display a box text. You can set the color of the box, its content, you can also choose if you want to use uppertitle or icon and set their color.

You can place PokaTheme Box Text in any page/post/widget you want.

Casino News

Lorem Ispum

Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam nibh odio, mollis vel elementum nec, cursus vitae erat. Nunc auctor mattis eros. Nulla lobortis hendrerit ipsum tincidunt finibus. Aliquam ut lacus nec dui consequat rhoncus. Etiam tempus viverra tellus at mollis. Morbi egestas volutpat felis, in consectetur mi egestas at. Cras sit amet dictum justo. Aenean cursus libero ut ullamcorper hendrerit. Nulla et lobortis dolor. Ut ultrices ligula elit, a placerat nibh efficitur non. Quisque consequat ac lectus ac tempor. Praesent sagittis at erat eget aliquet.

PokaTheme Carousel is used to display a carousel. You can modify the type of the elements that appear, the style of the carousel and the number of  items per row.

You can place PokaTheme Carousel in any page/post/widget you want.